QTLS: Qualified Learning Teacher and Skill Status is an international qualification that allows you to take your career to the next level. It is recognised in the Education sector; it is achieved after six months of Professional Formation and maintained through membership to the Society for Education and Training.
You can effectively lead and support some of our most vulnerable children by training them to succeed in life. The Quality Teaching status gives you evidence that you’re a registered teacher who’s been trained to the highest level. It also means employers can be sure you have a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience. With a profession-leading status, employers will know you’ve been assessed as a role model for others – working with children, parents and others – to make a real difference to everyone involved.
Is this right for me?
Is there a teacher in your life? Do they have an impact on you? Do you have a daughter or granddaughter who dreams of being a teacher one day?
The QTLS program may be worth consideration for teachers at schools that utilise the textbook approach to teaching, as it is a more economical way of delivering content. Remember- not all courses will use textbooks as course material.
The Background of Qualified Learning Teacher and Skill Status
Teach in England’s Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and Teacher Learning and Skills (TLS) frameworks were introduced in 2011, replacing the discredited Training for Teachers (TfT) scheme.
The frameworks are underpinned by the Teachers and Learners: Standards, Performance and Conditions of Service (TLSC) document, which sets out the minimum standards for registration.
The frameworks enabled teachers to demonstrate their outstanding teaching, learning, and leadership skills and made it easier for teachers to move between schools without the risk that their qualifications wouldn’t be recognised.
QTS is granted to teachers who have at least a 2:1 in a degree or a relevant professional qualification and have undertaken at least 18 months’ initial teacher training and a continuous professional learning program.
Teachers who meet the QTS criteria are eligible for appointment to teach in any maintained school in England, including independent and state schools.
QTS is the core qualification for teachers in England. If a teacher wants to move to a leadership position, sometimes known as a senior leader or middle leader, they can apply for QTLS (Qualified Leader Learning and Skills) status.
QTLS requires teachers to have QTS as well as additional leadership qualifications. QTLS doesn’t automatically entitle a teacher to stay in the classroom; teachers are often required to teach in some schools before becoming eligible for QTLS status.
Become qualified in one year with the QTLS license. The QTLS is intended for candidates who can demonstrate that they can teach but do not yet have the experience required for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). However, unlike QTS, you don’t need to commit to becoming a teacher to apply.
The frameworks evolved from an investigation into teacher recruitment and retention commissioned by former education secretary Michael Gove.
At Teachers Train Teachers, we believe that teachers make a difference. The QTLS programme is designed to help teachers develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to teach effectively. Our goal is to give you the self-belief and professional confidence necessary to succeed in today’s ever-changing classroom environment.