Teachers Train Teachers Safeguarding Policy


The purpose of this safeguarding policy is to provide a framework for the protection of all
students and staff in our further education college. It sets out the responsibilities of the college,
staff, and students in identifying and responding to concerns of abuse, neglect, or harm.


This policy applies to all students, staff, and volunteers at our further education college.


The college will designate a designated safeguarding officer (DSO) who will be responsible for
ensuring the implementation of this policy and taking appropriate action in response to
safeguarding concerns.

All staff members are responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of students, and for
reporting any concerns of abuse, neglect, or harm to the DSO.
All students have a responsibility to report any concerns of abuse, neglect, or harm to a member
of staff or the DSO.

Safeguarding Procedures:

All staff members and volunteers must undergo an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service
(DBS) check before commencing employment or volunteering.

The college will provide safeguarding training to all staff members, volunteers, and students.
Any safeguarding concerns must be reported to the DSO immediately. The DSO will ensure that
the appropriate action is taken in accordance with the college’s safeguarding procedures.
The college will maintain confidential records of safeguarding concerns and actions taken.

The college will ensure that all students and staff are aware of this policy and their
responsibilities under it.

Reporting and Responding to Safeguarding Concerns:

Any staff member or student who has concerns about the welfare and safety of a student or staff
member must report the concerns to the DSO immediately.
The DSO will investigate the concerns and take appropriate action in accordance with the
college’s safeguarding procedures.

If the concerns involve criminal activity, the police will be notified immediately.
The college will provide support to any student or staff member who has been the victim of
abuse, neglect, or harm.



This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure that it is up-to-date and in compliance with the
requirements of the college and relevant laws and regulations.